If there's one thing I could take away from
The IFB Conference its to develop a "Clear Sense of Self" when it comes to your blog. Every single panelist stressed the point of creating a unique brand, a distinctive voice & it's something I'm really struggling with. I may have thought I had a clear view on what I wanted for this blog, but now that I'm sitting down to think about it, I don't...
During one of the panels Leandre Medine, the Man Repeller herself, said something that really struck me,
"If someone ask you what your blog is about, you should be able to answer." Honestly when someone has asked me that question in the past I find myself rambling something along the lines of fashion & beauty. How generic can I possibly be?? I want SO much more for this blog.
I'm asking all my readers to bear with me while I refine this blog into everything its meant to be & more! Don't expect too many changes, but be prepared for a more concise vision and a better reflection of myself. I thought these photos
Jess snapped of me laughing while we were attempting to take outfit photos during the 2nd day of IFB were a perfect representation of myself. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm always smiling, most of the time laughing and can't for the life of me take a serious photo...