Want More Wantable

Living After Midnite: Want More Wantable
Living After Midnite: Want More Wantable
Living After Midnite: Want More Wantable
Living After Midnite: Want More Wantable
Living After Midnite: Want More Wantable
Living After Midnite: Want More Wantable
I totally had a different post planned for today, BUT when I got this Wantable Accessories Box in the mail yesterday I was SO impressed I just couldn't wait to post about it! 

Wondering what Wantable is? 
It's a monthly beauty or fashion box, BUT it's not your average subscription box! First you pick which box you'd like - Makeup, Accessories, Intimates or Limited Edition Halloween Makeup, then you fill out an INTENSE survey so they can gauge what you love, like & dislike, then decide if you want a single box or a subscription (which you can cancel at any time) & finally your box is shipped out to you!

I, of course, picked Accessories and couldn't be more impressed with what showed up at my door! First off they're amazing quality & second they are SO my style, that survey definitely worked!

I can't wait to style all of these pieces in upcoming outfit posts! 
Interested in signing up for Wantable? Get all the details here!

**I received this Accessory Box from Wantable to review free of charge, but all opinions are my own**

Today is the LAST DAY to enter my Pradman Jewels Giveaway! Good Luck!

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