Big Coat, Big Bag...the 2 things crucial to a successful February Fashion Week (the big hair isn't's more of a result from the ridiculous wind). In case you didn't know it's freezing in NY right negative temps when you factor in the windchill freezing. This season I opted out of going to shows in favor of hitting a few fun events & visiting showrooms because honestly it's just too cold. I seriously debated on wearing my giant puffer coat, but instead went for this cozy houndstooth one with a fur vest underneath to keep me warm. Not going to lie, I was still cold if I was outside for more than 10 minutes. The girls I saw running around with bare legs, open toe shoes & lightweight're crazy!
Also...who read the article, The Secret to Wearing High Heels Without Any Pain? To sum it up it says that if you tape your 3rd & 4th toes together it alleviates the pain in the ball of your foot. Well I ran around the city for 12 hours this day in 4 inch OTK boots and I had ZERO foot to say I'll be doing this every single time I wear closed toe heels!