Deciding to wallpaper a room is a decorating commitment that not everyone is willing to make. Many people may feel as though it would tie them down to a specific "look" for long term and that ultimately makes them choose paint over that amazing wallpaper they originally had in mind. It's time to get over your commitment issues and take the plunge into the perfectly patterned world of wallpaper. You can go subtle or bold, but if you do your research and plan it out it could potentially be the best decorating decision you've ever made for your home!
My suggestion would be to start small. Whether that be on one wall in your home with a subtle neutral pattern like this "wood" paper shown in this entryway above, or in a small room with a large striped pattern like this bathroom below.
Remember that subtle doesn't have to be a conventional pattern. The soft peacock feather design below is so pretty and still neutral enough to work even when it's time to redecorate.
But sometimes you just have to go for it! The metallic silhouette pattern above and rainbow stripes below are amazing and loud, yet still completely appropriate.
Tasteful, well thought out wallpaper can warm up a space with color, texture and pattern, something that paint just can't do.
Labels: interior decorating, mother daughter, room for style