Finding the perfect maxi skirt is literally impossible when you're tall...and I'm not even that tall!!! I'm 5'5", 5'6" on a good day, and the struggle to find a maxi skirt that at least hits my ankle is strong...finding one that covers my foot, damn near impossible...until now! A few weeks ago I was doing my usual lunch break online window shopping and stumbled on this flowing printing maxi skirt at Saks Off Fifth and decided to take a chance. The day it came in the mail I got so excited how perfect it was I wore it to dinner that night. I actually ordered 2 sizes (because I wasn't sure which one would fit) and my roommate loved it so much that she ended up keeping the other one. I snapped a
mirror pic, posted it on Instagram and at least 4 of my friends ended up buying it too!! If this (ridiculously long) story doesn't make you want this skirt then maybe these photos of how twirl-worthy (yes I just made that up) it is will! But seriously it's perfect...this
video proves it! Here are the different prints this skirt comes in...considering I can get all 4 for $100 it's only a matter of time before they're all mine.
M. Gemi is having their twice-yearly
Private Sale right now and if you've ever wanted to pick up a pair of their shoes now is the time! Over 150 pairs have been marked down up to 60% off included these gold sandals. The quality of these handcrafted sandals (& all M.Gemi shoes in general) are so much better than other ones I own!