Lets be serious whoever's resolution is "Exercise more," "Lose weight," blah blah blah will more than likely by February 1st turn to the dark side and forget they even made a resolution. This year I want to concentrate on the little things I know I can stick with rather than these broad goals that I'm sure I'll forget.
All my
Instagram followers got to see these already ((another reason why you should me
following me there!)), but here they are my 2013 Resolutions! & I'll be sure to keep you updated throughout the year on how well I'm sticking to them!
Resolution #1: Wear red lipstick more often!
Currently wearing
mark.'s Make It Rich Lip Crayon in Hot Sauce!
I love the way red lipstick looks on other people, but when I put it on myself I often wipe it off before I even leave the house. These red lips deserve to see more than just the inside of my house!
Resolution #2: Bring lunch to work from home instead of going out or ordering!
I used to NEVER bring lunch from home, literally never & I have no excuse! I guess I can say it was because I was always running late in the morning and I was just trying to get ready & get out the door as fast as possible. But I wasted SO much money going out to get lunch pretty much everyday! This is a resolution I need to stick to!! I could be going on a full blown vacation with all the money I can save doing this!

Resolution #4: Care more about what I'm eating.
I'm lactose intolerant, I have a gluten sensitivity & I just found out I have acid reflux, so my "do not eat" list is a mile long! I'm usually really careful and aware of what I eat, but I let things slip a little more than I'd like to admit over the holidays. I just need to get back on track. ((Caffeine I'll miss you!))

Did you miss my 2013 blogging resolutions? Check them out