Here I go again being the worst blogger ever! Its Thursday & I only had ONE post this week?!?!
I think its a mix between work being crazy, trying to work & pack up our office at the same time ((We're moving! Only down the street...but I'll soon have my own office!)), kickboxing completely killing me & me just being lazy in general!
BUT I hope this
photo heavy post makes up for it!
Last Friday I took a little trip up north & to do makeup for my cousin & her friends for their
Junior Prom!
Getting them ready almost fulfilled my desire to go to Prom again, if only I could rewind 7 or 8 years! ((Don't judge, you know you want to go again too!!))
If I could recommend a few products
MUST HAVE products when going to Prom (or any formal occasion where you know LOTS of photos are going to be taken) they are:
Mattifying Lotion ~ whether you have oily skin or not this is going to really make your skin matte! & keep it that way through the night!
Great Primer ~ Primer is going to smooth your skin, give you the perfect canvas for your foundation & keep it put all night!
Mattifying Power ~ Dust this all over your face to set your foundation & bring the compact with you so if you see yourself getting oily pat a little more on!
Blush/Bronzer ~ SO SO SO important to use both!!! This will give your face a 3 dimensional look as opposed to looking flat in photos! Apply bronzer to hollows of cheeks & around hairline & blush to apples of cheeks!
Check out the million pics I took! + what products I used to create each of their looks!
((Check out the past looks I've done on Gianna
here, &